

The tutorial is about how to index your blog very quickly onsearch engine because index pages are first appear in search results. If some one make a blog or website and submit sitemap toGoogle Webmasters then your pages are index by Google and appear in search results but if you have not submit your blog sitemapthen your pages are not crawl or index by Google Search Engineor Google Bot.

What Is Mean By Index Status In Webmaster Tools:

In webmaster index status is how many pages or Url is index by Google of your blog. Their are lot of
tricks to index your pages quickly in search engine and get more visitors on your blog with organic search but if you have original content on your blog. Webmaster tools is very important to apply SEO on your blog or website like to make sitelinksinternal links,backlinksauthorship, sitemap, verification of blogger or website, and targeted countryto get tons of visitors from targeted country.
How To Increase Index Status In Webmaster Tools Tricks For Better SEO

How To Index Our Blog Pages Or URL Immediately:

If you want to index your pages or URL immediately in search engine with in one or two days then i tell you about very important tips or tricks to do so.


Now submit your sitemap to Google:
For a step by step walk through of how to submit your Blogger Blog to Google, verify your site and add a sitemap please refer to my article submit your Blogspot Blog sitemap to Google.
Google Webmaster Tools Index Stats Page:

Submit Your Site and Sitemap to Yahoo. Yahoo has a fair share of the search engine market and therefore getting your Blogger Blog crawled and indexed needs to be priority. For an in depth discussion on how to submit your site, verify it and submit a sitemap to Yahoo Site Explorer please see my article submit Blogspot Sitemap to Yahoo.

Yahoo Site Explorer:
Submit your site and sitemap to MSN

You can now submit a sitemap directly to MSN at Webmaster Center. For detailed steps in submitting a Blogger site and Sitemap to MSN.


or any webmaster of a Blogger Blogspot blog good permalinks will help ensure that your traffic finds your site and is an important SEO consideration. Care needs to be taken to craft permalinks that are keyword rich and accurately describe you post. In this articles I discuss how to manage the permalinks of each post of ensure you make the most of them.

You Now What is Permalinks?
That is your answer. Permalinks are the permanent links to a post page. [Blogger] automatically generates a permalink based on the title of your post. Permalinks provide information to the viewer about the kind of content being pointed to.

Permalinks create permanent links to your Blogger post which are indexed by search engines such as Google. Search engines use permalinks to categories posts. Browsers use permalinks to help navigate to your posts. When you hover over a permalink in your browser you can read the post name in the status bar.

The Permalink for this article is like:


This Blogger tutorial explains how to improve search engine optimization SEO of your Blogger Blog by optimizing your post title tags for search engines like Google and Yahoo. How to improve search engine results by optimizing post title tags.

By default your Blogger Blog does not have search engine optimized title tags. This puts your blog at disadvantages compared to other blogs that have inbuilt SEO or enhance SEO modules as these sites are likely to be placed more highly in search engine results.

 The title tags of your blog are ordered by blog name first followed by the titles of the post. This is not ideal for popular search engines like Google and Yahoo which give more importance to the first words of a title. By ways of example take a look at how the title tags of this blog were viewed in a browser before any SEO. Note the order of the tags Blog Name, Blog Post Name. 

How Blogger Title Tags are viewed in an IE browser:
When this site was first indexed by Google this is the search engine results this site received. Note how the blog name is first in all the results.


 have Observed that there are many ways to make the better optimization of your blog and you may also read many more articles and blogs to which telling you to just add meta tags however this will very likely achieve the opposite result from the one you are after. Whether you are yet to add meta tags or have added meta tags already make sure you read and follow the methods contained in this article to get the best results.

I am going to tell you about the meta tags how you can added in your HTML to improve search optimization. Meta tags are the words which can easily work and make your post or blog in ranking in the search engines.

Meta Tags Info and What are Meta Tags:
Meta tags are HTML tags that provide additional information about your blog that is unseen by visitors but available to search engines. The meta tags or meta description tag, for example, provides a short summary of the pages content. The keywords meta tags show the keywords and keyword phrases a visitor might use to find your blog. Because of abuse of meta tags search engines have become smarter and most no longer place emphasis on keywords to establish page ranking however keywords meta tags are still used by some search engines so it is a good idea to include them.


With so many articles now some are getting buried in archives so t decided it might be useful for readers to have tell about the blogger and give list of all the blogger tutorials that appear on this site. For convenience i have grouped then under some heading including (SEO) Search Engine Optimization, Feed, Social Bookmarking and many more.

Now Learn About the (SEO)  Search Engine Optimization

Blogger Blog spot Tutorials About:

Make More Traffic On your Site.
Track the Site Visitor.
 Make Proper Indexing By Search Engine.
Search Engine Results Pages.
Improve Google Page Rankings.

The latest tips and techniques of blogger to make perfect site.
This article discusses 10 easy ways blogger (Blog spot). Blogger can build site traffic and in many cases improve (SEO) Search Engine Optimization. By Implementing these Steps you will improve the likelihood of your site ranking more highly in search engine results of major search engine player Google, Yahoo, and MSN, and  as a result increase the number of visitors accessing your site.

10 Easy SEO Tips for blog spot blogger to improve Search Engine Rankings

1. Make your Title Tags Search Engine Friendly:

One of the most important and necessary for blog-spot blogs is the adjustment of the titles tags of your website because by default has not optimized these for search engines. To prove this point navigate to an individual post on your blog and you will see that blog-name appears first in the title bar at the top of your browser followed by the name. As search engines place greater value on the first words of an entry this puts your site at a disadvantage in search engine results. Fortunately it is easy to reverse the blog name and the post name with a simple. For instruction on how to change the order of these title tags please look my article entitled adjustment blogger title tags to improve SEO.

2. Create Search Engine Friendly Permalinks:

Blogger automatically generates a permalink based on the titled of your post each time you make a post. For this reason it is important to craft your title carefully. Permalinks are sometimes less than ideal especially if you have long title.

3. Add a Social Networking Button To your Blog:

By adding a social bookmarking button to your website you will enables visitors to your blog to create links to popular social bookmarking sites such as Google, Facebook, MySpace, Digg, and many more.
Another benefit of a social bookmarking button is that you will be able to identify visitor trends and social bookmarking behavior on your site. For more information on how to added a free add this social bookmarking button to your blogger blog. Go gadget and then second icon is the button of Google plus which you can use on your website of blog.
4. Submit a sitemap to Google to better search and other search engines.

If attracting traffic to your site is important to you then it is imperative that you ensure that your blogger blog is properly indexed by popular search engines such as Google, Yahoo, MSN.
5. One way to submit sitemap of your website of blogger go webmaster to create the sitemap.
To generate the sitemap you can search on Google to create sitemap generator. Then you can put your URL in the sitemap generator and pick this quire and put into you webmaster tools add site manager.
Submit your sitemap easily and Google are now tracking your site and visitor and your site is properly indexed.

6. Write Best and Quality content and post Frequently:

If you have read any articles on the subject of blogging and SEO you will no doubt have observed writers emphasizing the importance of quality content. I can't Stress enough how much return visits depends n providing inducement to visitors to comeback. If your site content is well written and informative half the battle is won.  Make sure you post frequently so that visitors can seed the value of subscribing in a reader. Take some care with the presentation of your content and images as this will present a professional image. Avoid common pitfalls like bad grammar and spelling mistakes which stand out like a sore toe and detract from a visitor's overall positive experience of your site.

7. Ensure your content is keyword rich apart from the quality of your content there is the question of keyword density. The more keyword rich your posts are the greater the likelihood they will appear higher in the search engine results. This means it is worth the effort of crafting your content in such a way that you make use of important keywords and keyword phrases frequently used. Don't go over board however as Google is smart enough to recognize if your pages are littered with keywords and nothing much else.

8. Manage Your Feeds Carefully:

Feeds help your visitors find your site so they need to be managed carefully in order to make the most of them. Your site feeds are an important way to create back links too. Back links from authoritative sites are highly valuable and con boost your page ranking. For information about showing back links please refers to the blogger help.

9. Optimize your use of Images

Chances are you don't give a thought to image when you insert them into your posts but images can be optimized by careful use of file-names and the alt attribute. When naming images avoid ling names. Instead gives you images distinctive file-names rather than something generic like 12345.jpg which has no meaning.

Last And important tips and points

10. Take advantage from web analytic tool and service:

When you think your website or blogger is appears on search engines then you go on Google analytic tool which is the main source of your site on ranking. In this tool you submitted your web address like its URL and the name of your site and then you analyze how visitor come on your website and how many duration he visit your site you can analyze everything like which country your site is visit.


This tutorial is about to makeinternal links in between post.Blogging tricks are very important to increase Google rankwhen you optimize your blog for better rank then this trick is veryeffective. I have already write very much post related to this problem some people comments me how we increase Google rank i really appreciate them and tell him use this tutorial to solve this problem.
When we optimize our blog for better Search Engine Optimization then these links very effective but 

increase page rank
Trick of Blogging
i am going to tell you about best and simple way to create internal links. Which also increase your page rank and Alexa rank.

When i start blogging then i realize the internal links are best way to make your blog perfect and also get more pageviews and original trafficfrom Google. Because Google increase rank those website which have more internal links andbacklinks.

Now Let's Start The Tutorial:

When you start blogging then keep in mind you should make more internal links and backlinks. The best way to increase internal link is repeat your post in the blog post which you want publish. When you are going to publish your post then save your links which you have already publish. Save links on your notepad file and when you going to publish your post give your link in these post which you are going to publish.

How To Make Internal Links:

Go to
Go to New post.
Write your post which you want to publish now.
Pick up your save links and put then in your post.
You can easily put internal link your post by using the link tools.
When you are writing your post pick link which are related to your post which you are going to publish.
Give the perfect title of your post.
When your doing this then you have see to links Open in New tab and Add "rel=nofollow'.
Tick the 'rel=nofollow' because Google crawler don't save duplicate content of your post.
When you done this then submit your blog post in sitemap in webmaster tools.

Submit Sitemap

When you submit sitemap then your blog is perfect and you done this with your all blog post later.
Your blog is get rank in one or two months it also take three months.
Your blog is ready to get more pageviews and original traffic from Google.

Build Backlinks – 14 Easy Ways

Google optimization is based on the premise that the more people that like to your website, the more valuable it must be and the higher ranking it deserves in search results.
And almost two decades since it was devised, beneath the sophisticated mathematics, the hordes of MIT grads swallowed into the research and development department, and hundreds of billions of dollars in revenue lies a simple principle: Google optimization works. Popularity is a pretty good indicator of a website’s value.
But what constitutes popularity online? From a search engine’s perspective,backlinks from another site pointing to yours is a meaningful vote of confidence.
off page SEO 300x279 Build Backlinks   14 Easy WaysWe’re not talking here about links you put on your own website, although those “internal links” are indeed important and often underutilized. Let’s focus on how to build backlinks other people use to point attention toward your website via blogs, articles, social media sites, and so on. For example, “Here is my review of the best restaurant in New York (link pointing to your business).” And while tweets, likes, and +1’s are now becoming important ranking factorsalongside links, having websites link back to you is very much still a basic requirement for getting search engine fueled website traffic.